module Firework exposing (main)

{-| HEADS UP! You can view this example alongside the running code at

We're going to make a firework, specifically one that looks like this stock


import Browser exposing (Document)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Particle exposing (Particle)
import Particle.System as System exposing (System)
import Random exposing (Generator)
import Random.Extra
import Random.Float exposing (normal)
import Svg exposing (Svg)
import Svg.Attributes as SAttrs

type Firework
    = Fizzler Color

type Color
    = Red
    | Green
    | Blue

fizzler : Color -> Generator (Particle Firework)
fizzler color =
    Particle.init (Random.constant (Fizzler color))
        |> Particle.withDirection ( degrees (Random.float 0 360))
        |> Particle.withSpeed ( (clamp 0 200) (normal 100 100))
        |> Particle.withLifetime (normal 1.25 0.1)

fireworkAt : Color -> Float -> Float -> Generator (List (Particle Firework))
fireworkAt color x y =
    fizzler color
        |> Particle.withLocation (Random.constant { x = x, y = y })
        |> Particle.withGravity 50
        |> Particle.withDrag
            (\_ ->
                { coefficient = 1
                , density = 0.015
                , area = 2
        |> Random.list 150

type alias Model =
    System Firework

type Msg
    = ParticleMsg (System.Msg Firework)
    | Detonate

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ParticleMsg inner ->
            ( System.update inner model, Cmd.none )

        Detonate ->
            ( System.burst
                (Random.Extra.andThen3 fireworkAt
                    (Random.uniform Red [ Green, Blue ])
                    (normal 300 100)
                    (normal 300 100)
            , Cmd.none

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.main_ []
        [ Html.button
            [ onClick Detonate
            , style "display" "block"
            [ Html.text "Detonate!" ]
        , System.view fireworkView
            [ style "width" "600px"
            , style "height" "600px"
            , style "background-color" "#0F0F0F"

fireworkView : Particle Firework -> Svg msg
fireworkView particle =
    case particle of
        Fizzler color ->
                length =
                    max 2 (Particle.speed particle / 15)

                ( hue, saturation, luminance ) =
                    toHsl color

                maxLuminance =

                luminanceDelta =
                    maxLuminance - luminance

                lifetime =
                    Particle.lifetimePercent particle

                opacity =
                    if lifetime < 0.1 then
                        lifetime * 10

                [ -- location within the burst
         (String.fromFloat (length / 2))
                , "0"

                -- size, smeared by motion
                , SAttrs.rx (String.fromFloat length)
                , SAttrs.ry "2"
                , SAttrs.transform ("rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat (Particle.directionDegrees particle) ++ ")")

                -- color!
                , SAttrs.opacity (String.fromFloat opacity)
                , SAttrs.fill
                        (maxLuminance - luminanceDelta * (1 - lifetime))

{-| Using the tango palette, but a little lighter. Original colors at

toHsl : Color -> ( Float, Float, Float )
toHsl color =
    case color of
        Red ->
            -- scarlet red
            ( 0, 86, 75 )

        Green ->
            -- chameleon
            ( 90, 75, 75 )

        Blue ->
            -- sky blue
            ( 211, 49, 83 )

hslString : Float -> Float -> Float -> String
hslString hue saturation luminance =
        ++ String.fromFloat hue
        ++ ","
        ++ String.fromFloat saturation
        ++ "%,"
        ++ String.fromFloat luminance
        ++ "%)"

main : Program () (System Firework) Msg
main =
        { init = \_ -> ( System.init (Random.initialSeed 0), Cmd.none )
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = \model -> System.sub [] ParticleMsg model