Machine learning: field of study taht gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Arthur Samuel
In the 1950s Samuel wrote a program that would learn to play checkers by itself, and could eventually beat it’s creator (even though Samuel wasn’t very good at checkers.)
Well-post Learning Problem: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
Tom Mitchell
So in checkers:
is the experience of playing checkersT
is playing games of checkersP
is the win/loss percentageSupervised learning: teach the computer how to do something
Unsupervised learning: the computer learns by itself
This class will talk a lot about practical advice for applying learning algorithms. Huge different between people who have algorithm knowledge, but cannot apply them and those who know and can.